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Facebook Group Rules

By being part of the Tapping Into Confidence Facebook group you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. If you don’t agree please delete yourself from the group.



Things that are NOT allowed:

—>No promoting of other training whether that is online or in-person. If you have a training coming up please ask me for permission first. I decide if the training can be advertised.

—>No promoting of other Facebook groups or any other groups outside of Tapping Into Confidence is allowed.

—>No messaging members of the group if they didn’t address you in the group first. No spamming each other in personal Facebook messages. If you do this you will deleted and banned permanently from the group. No second chances.

—>No posting affiliate links to get people to sign up in other programs or platforms (no affiliate links are allowed in this group at all.



1. No promos/sales. This rule is in place because the group is about supporting each other towards increased self-confidence, if everyone was posting promos everyday people’s questions would not be seen.

2. Be nice. If you are the opposite, I’ll kick you out. No second chances. This is a safe space for supporting and uplifting others. Not criticizing, name calling, or bullying. Think before you comment.​

3. Give genuine feedback and answer questions. It's okay to give genuine feedback to others because we are here to help each other grow. Posting links to personal blog posts and video in the COMMENTS of someone’s thread is okay IF it answers the question.

4. Mistakes are welcome. We learn from our mistakes and the trial/error of others. So please don't be shy about sharing your mistakes with the group ...and if someone is courageous enough to share a mistake please keep the talk positive.

5. No creating or uploading new documents in the group. Any documents/files not created or uploaded by me or my team will be deleted.

6. What happens in the girl squad STAYS in girl squad. Please do not copy or share any content posted in the group without prior consent from the original poster. I want this group to be a safe space for people to vent, cry, and share struggles. Those things are personal and we don’t always want that spread around the Internet.

7. Do not personal message any members of the group or email people spamming them after you find them in this group. Pitching to people in a private message will get your banned from the group permanently. If someone reports you to me for doing something like this you will be banned immediately.  

Please no asking questions for others to share links to other FB groups, or any other groups outside of Tapping Into Confidence.

8. It's okay to share personal experiences. However, when sharing personal stories, please be aware that the group will be able to view the posts and try to limit some of the specific content (names, past experiences,etc.). Also, try to limit the experiences to your own third party stories. if someone posts information that is personal, let’s show love and compassion and support for people when they are overwhelmed and frustrated.

9. Show each other support and compassion. This journey to confidence is not always rainbows and butterflies. There are challenges too. Let’s be gentle with each other during those times of need.

10. Share tips and techniques. We are all about sharing tips, tricks and techniques that have worked for ourselves. I will share techniques that have worked for me and that I've been trained in. But do not use any of the information within this group to replace  seeking medical attention of any kind (mental, physical, spiritual) by a trained professional.


Just a note: Remember that this is a group where anyone can join who is interested in overcoming anxiety and increasing confidence. Do not share content that is private. I, Michelle Leupitz, am not responsible if someone shares private information or steals an idea from you. Just be mindful of what you are posting. If I see that you have stolen an idea, a picture, re-posted (without tagging) or done whatever else with any of my pictures or posts or videos you will be banned from the group.


Each week we will have a theme for our posting:

Monday - Manifestation Monday (Girls share intentions for the week)

Tuesday - Tuesday Tips (Tip shared related to confidence/anxiety)

Wednesday - Wednesday for the win (Girls share wins that they had during this week)

Thursday - Tapping Thursday (I share about Emotional Freedom Technique aka. tapping)

Friday - Feel Good Friday (Share your favorite quote, mantra, inspirational story)

Saturday - Saturday Struggles (Girls share struggles that they had with confidence through this week)

Sunday - Self-care Sunday (Girls share about how you’re putting yourself first)

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